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Cape Charles, VA

Creative Photographer Creativity SoulCollage Labyrinth Mixed Media


Labyrinths are walking meditations, metaphors for the journey of life and tools of transformation.

Walking the labyrinth is a spiritual discipline that invites us to trust the path, to surrender to the many turns our lives take, and to walk through the confusion, the fear, the anger, and grief that we cannot avoid experiencing as we live our earthly lives.
— Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress
The labyrinth in Catherine's back yard. It is a "living" labyrinth which means it changes with the seasons, much like our lives.

The labyrinth in Catherine's back yard. It is a "living" labyrinth which means it changes with the seasons, much like our lives.

In 2009, With the help of my husband and son, I created a labyrinth in our backyard based on the medieval labyrinth design found at Chartres Cathedral in France.  The labyrinth is created out of white stones laid in trenches between the sections of grass.  I walk the labyrinth as a meditative practice, especially when I need some creative inspiration and need to get out of my head and back into my body.  Walking a labyrinth is a kinesthetic meditation.  You do it with your whole body.  Walking the labyrinth can also be creatively stimulating. I highly recommend that you look for a labyrinth in your area and make time to walk the spiraling path to the center. You never know how it might change your life!

The most widespread use of the contemporary labyrinth is as a walking meditation. The effect of walking with intent and purpose can unify the rational, intuitive and spiritual aspects of the walker. In the developed world we have created an intense leisure-orientated society, but one that is too hectic and overloaded with choice to ensure a truly balanced lifestyle. Labyrinth walking can give us respite and also allow intuitive knowledge to suggest how to cope better with ourselves and the world around us.
— Jim Buchanan

The labyrinth is one of the ways I connect to my inner Still Self.

I share ways to do this in my book Meeting Your Soul on the Labyrinth: SoulCollage® and the Labyrinth as Pathways for Transformation. (Amazon Affiliate link)

The Rev Dr Lauren Artress, author of Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice says this about my book:
“Using images and archetypal patterns, Catherine Anderson’s Meeting Your Soul on the Labyrinth is a trustworthy guide into Divine Mystery. In this ground breaking work, Catherine blends two intuitive practices - walking the Labyrinth and SoulCollage® - to gain self-knowledge and lasting insight. Visually arresting with inspired quotes, each page offers soul work for both beginners and those well on the journey.”

I created this as an inspirational guide to take you on a journey of self-discovery using  the practical tools of SoulCollage® and the labyrinth. These easy-to-access processes encourage you to use your imagination, intuition and inner wisdom to follow your unique winding path towards wholeness and meaning. 

Many of the ideas are suitable for SoulCollage® and Labyrinth Facilitators to use as they guide others on this journey of soul discovery.

Also available at

Also available at

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


We are not all fortunate enough to have a labyrinth in our backyard. Finger labyrinths allow us to trace the labyrinth path and can be our portable pathway to peace. Explore and create finger labyrinths in Journaling the Labyrinth Path or Labyrinth Cut-Outs (Amazon Affiliate links)


If you love creating, you might like to make your own 12x12 inch collage finger labyrinth. I have created an online class which includes a workbook, videos and printable patterns. Creating this labyrinth is a meditative practice.

You can purchase this online workshop by clicking on the images below or by clicking here.

Catherine is accredited by Veriditas to offer Labyrinth Facilitator Qualifying workshops and Labyrinth Facilitator Trainings. Contact Catherine if you are interested in a workshop in your community.

For more information on the labyrinth, visit Veriditas or The Labyrinth Society.

To find a labyrinth near you, visit the World-Wide Labyrinth Locator.