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Cape Charles, VA

Creative Photographer Creativity SoulCollage Labyrinth Mixed Media

Recorded: Visual Journal as Creative Threshold Online Class


Inspiring labyrinth and mindfulness products for your creative journey.

Recorded: Visual Journal as Creative Threshold Online Class

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Recorded: Visual Journal as Creative Threshold Online Class


This is the recording of the recent weekday and weekend Visual Journal as Creative Threshold class I taught online, together with all the resources for the class, including pages you can print out. I hope to offer this class live again next year, but if you are looking for inspiration right now, you can go through the recordings at your own pace.

Comment from one of the participants in this class: “I feel like I did when I discovered SoulCollage®! A whole new world has opened and awaits discovery. This is so much fun.”

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Why keep a visual journal?

Have you ever wondered why people keep visual journals? Mine are containers of inspiration, ideas and messages from my Soul. They show me what is important to me. There is an alchemy that happens when you place seemingly unconnected images and words next to each other. They create a new narrative that is uniquely yours.

In my journals you’ll find collage elements, painted papers, found words, quotations and more. I play in my journals when I want to unwind and express myself without thinking too much, when I’ve been in my head too much. Visual journals are a way to understand where you are in your life through the exploration of image, word and color. They are a way to travel between the doorways of the unconscious and conscious mind.

Using doorways and labyrinths as our foundational elements this Creative Thresholds Journal will become a place you go to when you need to de-stress and when you need inspiration.

Once you have purchased the workshop, you will receive an automated email with a unique download link for the digital file which contains all the information for you to access the class. For security, this link is only active for 24 hours, after which the link will expire so please  download it straight away - it will only take a moment. I also suggest you print it out and keep it with your journal. Once you have downloaded this file which contains the access information you will have unlimited access to the recordings for as long as you need them. If you have any problems or questions, or need a link re-sent, please do not hesitate to contact me via the contact form