The Creative Photographer
The Creative Photographer book inspires you to photograph in a mindful way and to use your photographs in more creative ways.
“My photography is the best way I know of bringing me closer to some of the mysteries of existence.”
“Photography is the art of observation ... it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
Extract from The Creative Photographer by Catherine Anderson:
"There is magic in the process of making a photograph. For me, it is a way to express beauty, rawness, age, time, and other emotions and feelings that I can’t put into words. It is a way of expressing who I am... The creative process of photography allows me to be fully present, to see the beauty that surrounds me, and to feel gratitude for the amazing world I live in. It allows me to recognize the miraculous in everyday moments. These are considerable gifts.
I also believe that photography has the potential to help us work through some of life’s tough times in the same way that painting or writing or other creative work does. Photography is like visual journaling, and what we are drawn to photograph can speak to us in a symbolic way. We all see the same thing, but we see it differently, and our images show others how we see the world. They also remind us how to tune into our own perception. Our intuition recognizes what about a subject or scene is calling us to photograph it even if our minds don’t. Photographs are merely the surface of a deeper expression. What do you want to express? Trust yourself. You have something meaningful to say. There is no competition. There is no rush. Use your camera as a way to slow down and see with your eyes wide open, to see with your heart. You will start to see differently and more deeply."
“In truth, most hobbies are sacred exercises in undivided attention through which we truly know the world.”
Extract from the foreword to Catherine's book by Jan Phillips, author of God is at Eye Level - Photography as a Healing Art:
"This book is a guidebook for each of those steps and Catherine Anderson knows the terrain like the back of her hand. She opens door after door into exciting new possibilities in "The Creative Photographer" and you will surprise yourself at the beauty you can create with the images you make. This book will not make you creative. You already are. You were born to create. This book will just release your fears, untrap your potential, and offer you a hundred new ways to have fun with photography."
The Creative Photographer won a 2012 Silver Nautilus Book Award in the Creative Process category. Awards are given to books "of exceptional merit that make a literary and heartfelt contribution to spiritual growth, conscious living, high-level wellness, green values, responsible leadership and positive social change, as well as to the worlds of art, creativity and inspiration."
“Photography was conceived as a mirror of the universal elements and emotions of the everydayness of life ... a mirror of the essential oneness of mankind.”
Catherine loves using her iPhone as her primary camera wherever possible and won an honorable mention in the 2015 Mobile Photo Awards for one of her macro images.