SoulCollage® workshops and Facilitator Trainings hosted by Catherine Anderson in Charlotte, NC.
SoulCollage® is a gentle, playful and often joyful way of exploring your life and your deep self. Using images from magazines, individuals create their own unique deck of cards, where each card represents a different aspect of themselves. There is a deeper level of knowing that is accessed through images. The process combines image, words, intuition, and synchronicity into a unique creative and artistic process that anyone can do. It requires no special skills, but can often produce images and insights that are surprising and full of depth and meaning. SoulCollage® works directly with the language of symbols, images and archetypes and is an insightful process of self-discovery.
Catherine trained as a SoulCollage® Facilitator with Seena Frost, the creator of the SoulCollage® process, in June, 2004 and was a SoulCollage® Facilitator Trainer from 2012 to 2024. Catherine has been facilitating SoulCollage® workshops since 2004 and never fails to be amazed at the discoveries that participants have when they allow themselves to follow their intuition and let images speak to them.
Many of Catherine’s creative retreats incorporate SoulCollage®, focusing on different elements of the process.
If you'd like to explore SoulCollage® and self-care you might like the online course SoulCollage® as a Creative Self-Care Practice.
Learn more in the book SoulCollage® Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community (Amazon Affiliate link)
SoulCollage® is an easy, non-threatening process which allows you to access your inner wisdom and create art at the same time. Catherine loves creating a sacred space around the class and does this by incorporating poetry and music into her workshops. She believes that in this fast-paced world the practice of SoulCollage® is a perfect way to slow down and spend time getting to know yourself. SoulCollage® can also be a form of visual meditation, and is used in many different settings.
For more information about SoulCollage® visit the official SoulCollage® website or read Catherine's interview with Seena Frost. You can also purchase the book SoulCollage® Evolving which provides detailed information about the process. The Kaleidosoul website is also a great place to visit for more information about the process.
To the right is a video on how SoulCollage® is being used at Woza Moya Project in South Africa. Woza Moya provide care and support for people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and poverty, with a particular focus on orphaned children and their caregivers.
If you would like to go deeper into the SoulCollage® process, you might like to check out my online workshop “SoulCollage as a Creative Self-Care Practice”.