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Journaling the Labyrinth Path


Inspiring labyrinth and mindfulness products for your creative journey.

Journaling the Labyrinth Path

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Journaling the Labyrinth Path

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What is a labyrinth? Lauren Artress, in her book “Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool” says, “The labyrinth is a spiritual tool meant to awaken us to the deep rhythm that unites us to ourselves and to the Light that calls from within. In surrendering to the winding path, the soul finds healing and wholeness.” The labyrinth is an ancient symbol, usually in the form of a circle, with one path which leads along a meandering and somewhat spiraling route into the symbol’s center. Labyrinths are usually large enough to walk, and the winding path to the center and back again serves as a metaphor for our journey through life. This journal can be a place to turn when you yearn for the calming path of the labyrinth, and don’t have easy access to a labyrinth to walk. It can be your portable path to peace, a guide for your inner journey whenever and wherever you need it. On the pages of the journal you can travel the path of the labyrinth with your words and with your fingers as they touch the page with the writing of your pen. The journal contains thirty color labyrinths, each one backed by a different image on a 8.5”x 8.5” page. An inspirational quote and a journal prompt accompany each labyrinth, to guide you to discover your joy as you journey on the path. You can use these prompts for your journaling or you can choose to write on the labyrinth path with one word, with an affirmation, or with a pattern. You might be influenced by the colors on the page or the image behind the labyrinth. However you choose to journey on the page is the right way. Follow your intuition and let your hand and pen guide you towards inner peace and joy.

This book is also available on Amazon. (Affiliate link)